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hc-3 - position file

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hc-3 - position file

Posted by Jader Peres at June 24. 2014

The position files (.whl) for the 'bigSquare' sessions do not correspond directly with the trial field (180cm X 180cm).

For exemple, values from session 'ec013.553' for the 'X' positions range from 74 to 270.

What these files are exactly measuring? What is the referential? Or how can i transform to the 180X180?





Re: hc-3 - position file

Posted by Jeff Teeters at July 02. 2014

The data contributor provides the following answer:

The position files (.whl) measure the position in centimeter.
The reasons that these files do not accurately correspond to the size of field are mainly twofold.

(1) The distance between video camera and floor of the maze is slightly different from sessions to sessions, which made our measurement slightly inaccurate.

(2) The position files measure the position on the floor of the maze. However, we detected the position of rat using LEDs on the head of the animal, which were sometimes 25cm above the floor of the maze. This is the reason why the measured position is not super-accurate.

Therefore when I used .whl files of bigSquare, I linearly transformed the position files so that the difference of maximum and minimum of X (or Y) positions were 180.

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