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cai-1: more info on source of data?

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cai-1: more info on source of data?

Posted by Patrick Mineault at May 08. 2015


I was looking at the cai-1 dataset, and I'm uncertain about the conditions under which the data were taken. The documentation states that the 11 cells comprising the GCamp6f data are detailed in Chen et al. 2013. However, Chen et al. use many preparations - in vitro and in vivo from zebrafish, fly, and mouse. The indicator properties vary quite a bit depending on the prep - compare supplementary tables 1, 3 and 4, for instance. I'm specifically interested in calibrating spike estimation algorithms for use with mouse V1 recordings, but it's unclear whether any/all of this data is from mouse V1.

Are there more details about the prep for each recorded cell?

Re: cai-1: more info on source of data?

Posted by Jeff Teeters at May 13. 2015

Thanks for this question.

In response, the data contributor provided an update to the data description document.  The updates are shown below in bold:

... the data set contains simultaneous imaging with loose-seal cell-attached recording in GCaMP expressing neurons in the mouse visual cortex.

The data are described in:
Akerboom, et al JNS 2012 (; figure 9).
Chen, et al Nature 2013 (; figure 3).

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