In order to download data from this site (for most data sets), you must have an account. To request an account, use this form. To obtain an account you must agree to abide by the Terms of Use.
All data set files are now downloaded from the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC). The NERSC downloads can be done using a web interface and using a bash script for batch downloading and verification and using a Python script that allows downloading single files using the command line. These are described below.
Web interface download method.
To download files using the web interface, go to:<dataset_id>
where <dataset_id> is replaced by the id for the dataset (example: pvc-1, hc-3, vim-1, ...).
Login using the account username and password.
A link to the web interface downloads for each data set is also in the folder for each data set. To find it, click on the Data Sets link and navigate to the folder for the data set you wish to download. In that will be a link with the name "<dataset_id> downloads at NERSC". (Where <dataset_id> is the id for the data set, for example "pvc-1"). Click on the link. That should open up a page to the downloads for that data set at NERSC.
Batch download method.
The scripts for batch downloading and verifying downloaded files are available at: (Requires logging in using a account).
Instructions are provided with the scripts.
Python script download method.
Justin Kiggins has kindly made available a Python utility he wrote to download single files from The code and documentation is available at:
Please proved any feedback about downloads or problems downloading (or any other feedback about the site) using the contact form.