hc-3 missing data

Some data that explained in CRCNS.org hc3 data description document is missing in the hc-3 downloads folder such as gor01 or vvp01. It seems like these are the only experiments that have simultaneous CA3 and CA1 recordings that I need Is is possible for you to upload them too?
Thank you,
Hi Jeff,
It seems that there are still some missing files in these datasets. Where can I find the .whl files in gor01 or vvp01 folders?
Hi Jeff,
It’s been almost a year since we talked at the last summer school.
I hope you're doing well!
Speaking of these data, I just noticed that some of the activity data (*.whl) are still missing. I'm currently collaborating with my colleague and want to analyze data that recorded during the T-maze task.
It seems that the following datasets should correspond to the task but I couldn't find *.whl files.
id | topdir | session | behavior | familiarity | duration | |
391 | 1470 | gor01-6-12 | 2006-6-12_19-26-43 | Tmaze | 10 | 2358.2960 |
395 | 1476 | gor01-6-13 | 2006-6-13_19-11-30 | Tmaze | 10 | 2871.4280 |
396 | 1477 | pin01-11-04 | 11-04_22-31-40 | Tmaze | 10 | 1811.6920 |
397 | 1479 | pin01-11-04 | 11-05_0-06-51 | Tmaze | 10 | 621.3458 |
398 | 1480 | pin01-11-04 | 11-05_0-24-7 | Tmaze | 10 | 566.4848 |
413 | 1502 | vvp01-4-18 | 2006-4-18_21-22-11 | Tmaze | 10 | 3166.6240 |
It would be great if you could let me know whether I could download these files somewhere.
Best regards,
Keita Watanabe