pvc-8 Are neurons in the same session recorded simultaneously?
pvc-8 Are neurons in the same session recorded simultaneously?

Dear Profs. Ruben Coen-Cagli, Adam Kohn, Odelia Schwartz,
Very thanks for sharing the data pvc-8. I wanna make sure whether neurons in the same session recorded simultaneously? For each moment, is every image represented in the RF of every neuron simultaneously?
Thanks for your answer in advance.
Zhiqin John Xu (Post-doc @NYUAD, [email protected])
Re: pvc-8 Are neurons in the same session recorded simultaneously?

Dear Zhiqin John Xu,
thanks for your interest in the database. Yes, neurons in the same session are simultaneously recorded. RF positions relative to the image center are included in the variable 'RF_SPATIAL'. From that information, you can estimate which neurons had a RF centered within the small images (50 pixels diameter). All neurons' RFs fell within the large images (150-320 pixels). This information is also pre-computed and reported in the variable 'INDCENT'. (Please see the readme file "INDCENT: array of 1s and 0s, where 1s denote the centered (and spike-sorted) neurons")
Let us know if you have other questions or comments