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grating stimuli parameters for pvc-8

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grating stimuli parameters for pvc-8

Posted by Faraz Yazdani at November 21. 2018

Hi and thanks for the dataset


I wanted to know if the parameters for the grating stimuli are available. What I mean is a structure in which for each grating stimuli, its orientation, spatial frequency, and temporal frequency is specified.


thanks in advance

Re: grating stimuli parameters for pvc-8

Posted by Ruben Coen-Cagli at November 24. 2018

Hi Faraz

thank you for your interest. You are right that information is scattered through the file "main_LoadAndParse". So here it is in a more compact form, with Matlab notation. 

Please let me know if you have any other questions.




- Temporal frequency: these are static gratings


- Gratings for Spatial Frequency tuning 

tmp = squeeze(resp(:,[1:128]+(2*9*30),:)); % gratings for spatial frequency tuning
resp_sf = reshape(tmp,size(tmp,1),4,4,8,reps); % [#neurons #phases #orientations #s.f. #repeats]
%%% phase = [0:90:270] degrees
%%% ori = [90:-45:-45] degrees
%%% s.f. = 2.^[-2:.7:3.5] cycles/deg
%%% diameter = 1 degree


- Gratings for Orientation tuning 

tmp = squeeze(resp(:,[1:64]+(128+2*9*30),:)); % gratings for orientation tuning
resp_ori = reshape(tmp,size(tmp,1),4,16,reps); % [#neurons #phases #orientations #repeats]

%%% phase = [0:90:270] degrees

%%% ori = [90:-11.25:-78.75] degrees
%%% s.f. = 1 cycles/deg
%%% diameter = 1 degree


- Gratings for Size tuning 

tmp = squeeze(resp(:,[1:224]+(64+128+2*9*30),:)); % gratings for size tuning
resp_as = reshape(tmp,size(tmp,1),4,2,7,4,reps); % [#neurons #phases #categories #sizes #orientations #repeats]
%%% phase = [0:90:270] degrees
%%% categories: 1=circular patch of grating; 2= annulus (size is inner diameter)
%%% diameter = round(2.^[-1.56:.7:2.64]) degrees
%%% ori = [90:-45:-45] degrees
%%% s.f. = 1 cycles/deg

Re: grating stimuli parameters for pvc-8

Posted by Faraz Yazdani at November 24. 2018

Thank you a lot for your help.

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