Additional electrode sources for pfc-7

Hello all,
Does anyone know if there are any other sources for this dataset which include more electrodes per session? There are some sessions which have interesting signals, but there are electrodes "missing" in the files. So Im hoping that maybe they were pruned because they weren't useful in the original paper, but maybe they still exist.
Alternatively are there any other datasets with LFP data of 3 regions of the brain examined in either macaques or humans? I looked at fcx-2 already but didn't see the signals I was looking for so I'm wondering if there are perhaps others that are publicly available.
Thank you in advanced for any help!
Hi Jordan,
Thanks for your interest in the data, and apologies for the delayed response. Unfortunately here isn't any additional data available for this dataset beyond the raw data in neuronal_data (which I'm assuming you're already using if you're looking at the LFP rather than just the spiking data in LTH_preprocessed_data).
I'm not quite sure what you mean by the 'missing' electrodes in the files - but if you mean that there are a variable number of electrodes per day, and/or that the electrode numbering isn't continuous from 1 upwards, this is just a consequence of the fact that (a) different numbers of electrodes per day were lowered into the brain (each grid of electrodes was manually constructed for each recording session), and (b) the electrode numbering starts at 17 for one hemisphere (to allow for potentially up to 16 electrodes on the other hemisphere).
Hope this helps clarify things.
Best wishes,