Regarding stimuli files in eye-1 dataset
Hi All,
I downloaded the eye-1 dataset and uncompressed all 4 archives. I'm not finding the /stimuli directory containing all the original clips. Can you help me out with this ? I can see the eye tracking data, saliency visualisation and also overlay of eye gaze on the stimuli though.
I downloaded and unziped the first zip file ( Unzipping it generated a
directory named:
and inside that is the stimulus directory.
I think all the zip files put files into the same top-level directory (CRCNS-DataShare). Maybe you need to specify an option to the unzip command indicating to not replace a previously existing directory. Or you could unzip each of the zip files inside a different directory.
Just to make sure you got the full zip file, the size I got is shown below:
$ ls -l
-rw-r--r--@ 1 jt staff 1697749190 Jan 10 11:53
For reference, here is the directory structure the first zip file
generated for me:
$ cd CRCNS-DataShare/
$ ls
COPYRIGHT.txt filelist-sorted-short.txt stemlist.txt
MPGSIZES.txt filelist-sorted.txt stimuli
README.txt filelist-vco.txt subjectlist.txt
SUBJECTINFO.txt matlab thumbnails
SUMMARY.pdf scripts vco
$ cd stimuli/
$ ls
beverly01.mpg mtvclip07.mpg mtvclip32.mpg standard06.mpg
beverly03.mpg mtvclip08.mpg mtvclip33.mpg standard07.mpg
beverly05.mpg mtvclip09.mpg mtvclip34.mpg tv-action01.mpg
beverly06.mpg mtvclip10.mpg mtvclip35.mpg tv-ads01.mpg
beverly07.mpg mtvclip11.mpg mtvclip36.mpg tv-ads02.mpg
beverly08.mpg mtvclip12.mpg mtvclip37.mpg tv-ads03.mpg
gamecube02.mpg mtvclip13.mpg mtvclip38.mpg tv-ads04.mpg
gamecube04.mpg mtvclip14.mpg mtvclip39.mpg tv-announce01.mpg
gamecube05.mpg mtvclip15.mpg mtvclip40.mpg tv-music01.mpg
gamecube06.mpg mtvclip16.mpg mtvclip41.mpg tv-news01.mpg
gamecube13.mpg mtvclip17.mpg mtvclip42.mpg tv-news02.mpg
gamecube16.mpg mtvclip18.mpg mtvclip43.mpg tv-news03.mpg
gamecube17.mpg mtvclip19.mpg mtvclip44.mpg tv-news04.mpg
gamecube18.mpg mtvclip20.mpg mtvclip45.mpg tv-news05.mpg
gamecube23.mpg mtvclip21.mpg mtvclip46.mpg tv-news06.mpg
monica03.mpg mtvclip22.mpg mtvclip47.mpg tv-news09.mpg
monica04.mpg mtvclip23.mpg mtvclip48.mpg tv-sports01.mpg
monica05.mpg mtvclip24.mpg mtvclip49.mpg tv-sports02.mpg
monica06.mpg mtvclip25.mpg mtvclip50.mpg tv-sports03.mpg
mtvclip01.mpg mtvclip26.mpg saccadetest.mpg tv-sports04.mpg
mtvclip02.mpg mtvclip27.mpg standard01.mpg tv-sports05.mpg
mtvclip03.mpg mtvclip28.mpg standard02.mpg tv-talk01.mpg
mtvclip04.mpg mtvclip29.mpg standard03.mpg tv-talk03.mpg
mtvclip05.mpg mtvclip30.mpg standard04.mpg tv-talk04.mpg
mtvclip06.mpg mtvclip31.mpg standard05.mpg tv-talk05.mpg