Loading .spk files from the pvc-3 data set?
Does anyone have a tip on how to load the .spk files from the pvc-3 data set into, e.g., Matlab?
I'm using the latest version of NeuroRighter (v1.1.0.564), Matlab R2017a, and both loadspike.m and loadspk.m files fail to do that:
>> spk = loadspk('t02.spk');
Error using loadspk (line 53)
This file is from an old verion of NeuroRighter. Please try to load your .spk file with the depreciated matlab
function (../deprecated/loadspike)
>> y = loadspike('t02.spk');
Cell contents reference from a non-cell array object.
Error in loadspike (line 85)
types{numFields} = [types{numFields} num2str(numBits)];
And the same goes for the squeakyspk toolbox.
However, the files .tem seem OK to read.
>> y = loadspike('t08.tem');
>> y
y =
struct with fields:
channel: 0
time: 0.9942
waveform: [2696×1 double]
Apologies if this is too obvious, I'm relatively new to spiking data. Thanks a lot.
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