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ofc-3 missing data

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ofc-3 missing data

Posted by Mari Liis Velner at January 11. 2019



There are differences between the number of trials in the electrophysiological and behavioral datasets. For example, subject 1 has 180 trials in the electrophysiological dataset, and 196 non-timeout trials in the behavioral dataset (and 4 timeout trials). These differences occur for every subject, except subjects 8 and 9, and to me it seems like some of the electrophysiological data is missing. 

Without the exact correspondence between the trials of the behavioral and electrophysiological datasets, I cannot conduct the analysis for my thesis. Is it possible for you to upload the missing data? 

Any clarification on this issue would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you,

Mari Liis

Re: ofc-3 missing data

Posted by Ignacio Saez at January 23. 2019

Hi Mari Liis,

Thanks for pointing this out. You are absolutely right - the discrepancy coming from the fact that the behavioral dataset includes all trials, whereas some are discarded in the electrophysiological recording due to ephys quality control. I will be correcting the behavioral files in the repository soon.



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