Voltage scale of the neural data

I am playing around with hc3 data. I would like to know about the voltage scale of the raw data; what is the unit of the raw data? uV? or mV?
I found that number of bits is 16 and voltage range is 8 as well as amplification is 1000. So, the raw data is digital code and it should be converted to analog voltage based on the resolution of 16bit ADC with 8V full scale? And it is the one that is already amplified by 1000?
But raw data is expressed as second decimal place, which doesn't seem like ADC LSB codes (it should be integer).
Hyunkyu Ouh
Please reply to my question. It will be really helpful. The voltage scale of the uploaded data matters a lot for my study.
Yes, you are right. The signal was amplified x1,000 [x Amplification in .xml files] before digitalized. The raw data (.dat files) is digital code and it should be converted to analog voltage based on the resolution of 16bit [nBits in .xml files] ADC with 8V [VoltageRange in .xml files] full scale.
Kenji Mizuseki