Question about template alignement fly-1
Hello, I can't align correcty the points and data provided in fly-1 to JFRC2 template, is there a specific JFRC2 template that I should be using? I'm using the one recommended in JFRC2 git. I'm using FIJI/imageJ and the plugin Landmarks, I load the data, the points, and then when I select the template file it says it's not the correct format for the template file.
Thanks in advance.
Yes, I just solved that error using a .tiff version of the template instead of .nrrd, I still have trouble since I don't have the exact method for each landmark, and it doesn't align perfectly.
I specially don't know how to pinpoint LTL and LTR in the template (I have the .point for each dataset, is the landmarks on the template what I'm not selecting correcltlyI think).
LT is for lateral triangle. It is call the bulb now: here in the virtual fly brain: