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vim-1: high resolution anatomical scan

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vim-1: high resolution anatomical scan

Posted by Dai Zhang at January 07. 2013

I am trying to implement encoding model described in Kay et al. Identifying natural images from fMRI scan, Nature 2008.

To validate the GWP (Gabor wavelet pyramid) model, the authors compared the retinotopic maps for both GWP model and Multifocal retinotopic model in supplementary figure 10. Which surface were voxel data assigned to? Was it the surface between grey-white matter? 

If high resolution anatomical scan was needed to get this surface, would you shared the data in the webpage. 




Re: vim-1: high resolution anatomical scan

Posted by Kendrick Kay at January 09. 2013

We will be providing a high resolution anatomical scan for each subject shortly.  Stay tuned.



Re: vim-1: high resolution anatomical scan

Posted by Mark Lescroart at March 27. 2013

Two high-resolution anatomical scans are now shared along with the rest of the data (Sub1_Anat_msk.nii.gz and Sub2_Anat_msk.nii.gz). We leave it to you to co-register the images and extract the cortical surface (there are many tools available). 

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