HC3, mismatch hc3 stable vs map from LoadClusRes: ec013.157
HC3, mismatch hc3 stable vs map from LoadClusRes: ec013.157

I had a similar problem of the one from the post 'hc-3 ec016.234', but not exactly the same.
If i run:
data.namepattern = '~/hc3/ec013.15/ec013.157/ec013.157'
i get the following map.
map =
1 5 2
2 5 3
3 5 4
4 5 5
5 5 6
Therefore, I would expect five clusters in shank 5 in session 'ec013.157'.
However, when I checked the hc3.cell table, I could not find any cluster 6 in shank 5 (clusters list from 2 to 5, as shown below).
'ec013.15' 'ec013' 4 15 'EC5'
'ec013.15' 'ec013' 5 2 'CA1'
'ec013.15' 'ec013' 5 3 'CA1'
'ec013.15' 'ec013' 5 4 'CA1'
'ec013.15' 'ec013' 5 5 'CA1'
'ec013.15' 'ec013' 6 2 'CA1'
Further, cluster 6 from shank 5 has 4011 spikes only in session 'ec013.157'. Thus this cannot be explained as it was in the post 'hc-3 ec016.234' (neurons with less than 50 spikes are not listed).
Probably there is another exclusion criterion to the neurons be included in the hc3.cell list. Maybe a measure of cluster quality?
I would like to be sure I understand what is going on since I want to use the information of cell type in the hc3 table.
Thanks a lot for the help.