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Angle number of samples mismatch in th-1

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Angle number of samples mismatch in th-1

Posted by Or Pinchasov at November 22. 2016
The number of samples in the angle file for mouse Mouse12-120806 is 874005 (which matches the size of the .whl file in the processed dataset).
The total number of samples in all of the raw files for the same mouse is only 618819.
Where does the difference stem from? Is it because the processed data contains the extra recordings as described in the "data description" pdf?

Re: Angle number of samples mismatch in th-1

Posted by Adrien Peyrache at December 05. 2016


Yes, indeed. The original recordings were longer than what we eventually uploaded online. However, we uploaded the entire angular and pos files. Sorry for that! However, time 0 is the same, you can just discard anything longer than the recording.




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