About ieeg-1: Resection of HFOs Surgical Planning

Referring to the bottom article, I was wondering if you could share the surgical planning, and what areas were resected or considered to be in Seizure Onset Zone.
Re: About ieeg-1: Resection of HFOs Surgical Planning

Hi Trisha,
We supply a large table with the data.
The table lists all channels and whether they were resected.
If they were resected, they were close to the seizure onset zone.
Re: About ieeg-1: Resection of HFOs Surgical Planning

Hi Trisha,
Please have a look at our publication https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-13064-1
Table 1 lists the resected area (RA) anatomically and the postsurgical seizure freedom (ILAE scale) for each patient.
In more detail, the supplementary material (Table 1S) lists all channel locations that were resected (highlighted in red). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-13064-1
The seizure onset zone (SOZ) as defined by the epileptologists is included in the resected channels.
For easy access, I attach the supplementary Table 1S here.
All the best,
Fedele T, Burnos S, Boran E, Krayenbühl N, Hilfiker P, Grunwald T, Sarnthein J. Resection of high frequency oscillations predicts seizure outcome in the individual patient. Nature Scientific Reports. 2017;7:13836.