hc-3 ec016.234
Hello, I have been working with a this data set for quite some time. The other day I was curious about how many cells were in CA 1 and CA 3 and I noticed that in the session cell count spreadsheet, it shows a total of 48 cells that were recorded that met the quality guidelines and 61 cells that were recorded if quality guidelines were not necessarily checked.
The Map variable within matlab has a 100 clusters for this data set so my question is are these 100 clusters independent (cells) or do some overlap because if not, it does not make sense with what is contained in the session cell count spreadsheet; the 100 clusters whereas 48 cells were recorded.
Thank You
Hi Pranav,
Thanks for your interest in our data set.
As you wrote, ec016.234 has 61 CA1 cells (or 48 CA1 cells if we use our quality guidelines). On the other hand, the Map variable is based on topdir (in this case, ec016.17). ec016.17 consists of several sessions (ec016.228, ec016.229, ec016.230, ec016.231, ec016.233, ec016,234, ec016.236, ec016.237, ec016.238, ec016.239, and ec016.240. please see hc3-session_a.csv) and has 102 CA1 cells, which is more than 61 cells. This is because not all cells recorded and clustered using all sessions within ec016.17 fired in ec016.234, because some cells were just silent during the maze behavior and/or because the electrode drifted spontaneously during the ec016.17.
Hope my explanation helps.
Thank you.
Kenji Mizuseki
I am sorry, I don't understand.
Loading the ec016.234 dataset using LoadCluRes gives me a Cluster variable with a min of 1 and a max of 100. Furthermore, assigning times for when each cluster fired gives me spike times for each cluster 1 - 100.
Am I doing something wrong?
Please use "unique" function in matlab, and you should see that the number of unique clusters should be less than 100.
unique(Cluster) gives me an array numbering from 1 to 100.
You said ec016.17 contains many sessions: ec016.228, ec016.229, ec016.230, ec016.231, ec016.236, ec016.237, ec016.238, ec016.239, and ec016.240 are not available to download.
Only .233 and .234 can be downloaded. Are the other sessions corrupt?
$ ls
00-README.txt hc3-file.csv hc3-spike_count.csv hc3-tables.xlsx
hc3-cell.csv hc3-session.csv hc3-tables.db old
hc3-epos.csv hc3-session_a.csv hc3-tables.sql whl-list.txt
$ sqlite3 hc3-tables.db
SQLite version 2013-09-03 17:11:13
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> .tables
cell file session_a whl_file
epos session spike_count
--Number of cells with 50 or more spikes (what is in hc3-cells.csv):
sqlite> select count(*)
from session s, spike_count k, cell c
where c.id = k.cellId and s.id = k.sessId and k.nSpikes > 49
and s.session = 'ec016.234';
sqlite> select count(*)
from session s, spike_count k, cell c
where c.id = k.cellId and s.id = k.sessId and k.nSpikes > 0
and s.session = 'ec016.234';
$ ls
DecidePyrIntRegion.m KenjiData.mat hc3.db
ElePosition.txt README.txt tables.sql
$ sqlite3 hc3.db
-- from MatLab Clean matrix.
id integer, -- row in Beh -- SHOULD BE ROW in pmMap (see below)
good integer -- ==0 if bad cell
sqlite> select count(*) from clean;
sqlite> select count(*) from pmMap;
id good