PPC-1 data

I am trying to understand the structure of the PPC-1 data set, but there are some questions about the behavioral data.
First, as described in description document, I referred the "EventCodes.txt" file to see the behavioral information.
However, there is mismatch between eventcode explanation and the number in strobed variable.
For example, there are 255 in strobed file but there is no 255 in eventcode.txt.
Also, target onset is coded as 32 in eventcode.txt, but there is no 32 in strobed file.
Should I transfer the eventcode number using some method?
Second, there is no information of arm direction.
If I properly understood, the file name xxxxxx_x_x.mat, the first xxxxx is the date, second x is trial and the third x is direction in practice trial.
But, there is no direction information on non-practice trial.
Could you let me answer about two questions by e-mail or reply?
My email is [email protected]
Soyoung Chae
I am wondering if the event codes file is the right one? There are different e-codes in the actual files than in the sheet that is provided ... Would you mind taking a look and possibly provide some help with this.
Thank you for answering me.
I referred the attached file as reference EventCode, and I still can not find the other file.
Would you mind if let me know the file name or path?.. I am very sorry to bother you.
Also, is it right that there is no kinematic information such as direction?
Soyoung Chae