
first, thank you very much Dr. Loren Frank for making this great dataset available!
second, I have just a little doubt about HC-6 dataset. In data description says that all data came from CA1 and CA3. However, while analyzing the first day of Five, I found that "tetinfo{1}{1}{1}.area" returns MEC. Actually, all electrodes were MEC or CA1, but not CA3. Is that right?
thank you very much,
Rob - you're absolutely right; that animal had tetrodes in MEC and CA1, not in CA3. We had very few cells on the MEC tetrodes however (as you will probably notice if you look at the spikes files.
Few problems with the hc-6 data set and workarounds for them.
First of all, it is impossible to save file Con.tar.gz or any other file or folder named Con.XXX on Windows PC. So people who don't have access to Unix machine can not even unpack that data. The workaround is well... unpack it on a Unix machine, rename and move to a Windows PC.
Second, few files have inconsistent structure which makes it difficult to write a script for batch processing of the whole data set. The files with inconsistent structure I found so far:
Dud/dudtask06.mat - compare task{6}{4} and task{6}{6}, pos{6}{6} does not exist at all.
Ten/tantask07.mat - compare task{7}{4} and task{7}{6}, pos{7}{6} does not exist at all.
The workaround is to manually remove
Dud/dudtask06.mat - task{6}{6} and
Ten/tantask07.mat - task{7}{6} entries and re-save the data.
Dear Dr. Frank
Thank you so much for sharing this dataset. I had a question regarding how you separate trials. I seem to be unable to find the event codes that separates trials. Would you please advise me how you determine beginning and end of a trial and whether it was a correct or incorrect trial?
Thanks again.
Hi Mo. Typically we use the times between the exit from one reward location to the entrance to another. Those are stored in the linpos structure in the statematrix element. There is one row for each time which indicates which trajectory the animal was on. Note, though, that these are automatically derived, and in some cases when the animal does something unusually they can be a bit off. I suggest plotting the data between changes in trajectory or segment to get an idea for how the data are segmented.