hc-3 tasks details
I cannot find what is the environment of the tasks that the animals were performing.
Were the animals performing with lights on or lights off? Visual input may contribute to the discussion of the subject I am concerned.
In particular for the bigSquare and linear tasks.
I would also like to know about this, specifically for the linear/linearOne/linearTwo experiments. I thought that in these experiments, the animal would be restricted to a 1D linear track, but the .whl files (location data) have data for x and y coordinates, both of which exhibit significant movement. Were the tracks not linear or am I interpreting linear differently? Appreciate any help!
Previously Ze Henrique Targino wrote:
I cannot find what is the environment of the tasks that the animals were performing.
Were the animals performing with lights on or lights off? Visual input may contribute to the discussion of the subject I am concerned.
In particular for the bigSquare and linear tasks.
We did bigSqaure and Linear task experiments in dim light. Thanks.