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crcns-ch-epfl-2009-instructions.pdf problem

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crcns-ch-epfl-2009-instructions.pdf problem

Posted by Reza Ramezan at December 13. 2010


I am using the Challenge D data-set in my PhD dissertation. I've found that the file crcns-ch-epfl-2009-instructions.pdf which is supposed to include some summary information about the experiments protocols is corrupted. Could you please help me with this issue?

Furthermore, it is said on the website that for training (570 seconds of data) both the retinal (pre-synaptic) and geniculate (post-synaptic) spike times are provided. For testing, (190 seconds of data) only the retinal spike times are given. However, the files include more than 9000 seconds (milliseconds?) of data. Could you please comment on this issue too?



Re: crcns-ch-epfl-2009-instructions.pdf problem

Posted by Anonymous at December 23. 2010
Hi Reza, You can always find the original instructions on . It seems that some precisions were lost in translation, this will be fixed soon, thanks for noticing. Regards, Richard
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