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hc-2: positions Froot Loops / water drops

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hc-2: positions Froot Loops / water drops

Posted by Tamas Madl at September 21. 2012


Is there any way to get information about the positions of the rewards placed on the track, i.e. the positions of the "randomly placed drops of water or pieces of Froot Loops"? Or, if this data is not available, to get the full observation video where they might be visible?

Thank you!


Tamas Madl

Re: hc-2: positions Froot Loops / water drops

Posted by Gautam Agarwal at September 25. 2012

The task is done in dim conditions, and the videos (available online as part of the data set) likewise only show the led's on the rat's head. The rewarded positions have not been recorded. It is possible that some clever processing on the videos would reveal reward locations, however this has not been investigated.



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