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hc-1 input stimulus

Up to Using data sets

hc-1 input stimulus

Posted by Igor Palmieri at October 07. 2012


In the README.txt of hc-1 datasets download directory it is said that the last channel is almost aways the injected current, but it may depend on the acquisition system. However, I couldn't find the information pointing where to look for the injected current in each dataset, either confirming it as the last channel, or any other.

The .xml files seems to not contain this description. Neither the individual README.txt of each dataset. Should I assume that it is always in the last channel?

Thank you





Re: hc-1 input stimulus

Posted by Jeff Teeters at October 25. 2012

I asked Anton and he replied with the following:

I don't remember if it was different across files, I think intra was always one but last, except when there was filtered version of it (perhaps in some cases). Total number of channels is specified, so you can open the file and see which channel is membrane potential and which is injected current. It is also visible from the electrode groups - Vm and current form a separate group (if I recall correctly) and the last one is always injected current.




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