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ofc-1 data question

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ofc-1 data question

Posted by Ming Li at December 26. 2016

Under the top-level folders of five rats, there are different days of experiments. And in these subfolders of different days, there are different spike time array of single neuron. But in the same subfolder, there is TrialEvents.mat and TrialEvents2.mat, which includes the experiment parameters. However, it includes not only one experiment, but hundreds of experiments while the single neuron spike time file only contains one spike train of single experiment. I am confused which number of the TrailEvents.mat is corresponding to the single neuron spike train. I wonder the data is somehow incomplete? Thanks for any response.

Re: ofc-1 data question

Posted by Dmitry Kobak at December 27. 2016

Hi. TrialEvents.mat files do not include "hundreds of experiments". They describe hundreds of *trials* in one experimental session. Spike time arrays for each neuron are spike times throughout the whole recording session. TrialEvents.mat file tells you when each trial started, ended, what kind of trial it was, etc.

Does it make sense?

Re: ofc-1 data question

Posted by Ming Li at December 27. 2016

Previously Dmitry Kobak wrote:

Hi. TrialEvents.mat files do not include "hundreds of experiments". They describe hundreds of *trials* in one experimental session. Spike time arrays for each neuron are spike times throughout the whole recording session. TrialEvents.mat file tells you when each trial started, ended, what kind of trial it was, etc.

Does it make sense?


Thanks for your suggestion, and I am trying on your solution. I have come up with a new question. If the spike train is the signal of the whole time, why the OdorPokeIn and OdorPokeOut in TrailEvents.mat are overlapping? For instance, in trial X those time is 1.7(start)-1.9(end), but in trial Y those time is 1.8(start)-2.0(end). And there is also a variable named TrialStart, but its value is too small(because the sampling frequency is 31.25kHz). With these confusion, I wonder if my understanding was somewhere wrong. Thanks again anyway for your reply!


Re: ofc-1 data question

Posted by Dmitry Kobak at December 29. 2016

Can you say in which folder TrialEvents.mat has OdorPokeIn and OdorPokeOut that are "overlapping"? This shouldn't be the case.

Re: ofc-1 data question

Posted by Ming Li at December 29. 2016

Previously Dmitry Kobak wrote:

Can you say in which folder TrialEvents.mat has OdorPokeIn and OdorPokeOut that are "overlapping"? This shouldn't be the case.



Thank you for your explanation. I have realized that "overlapping" does not exist.  At present, I think the variable "OdorPokeIn" means the offset time relative to the time in the variable "TrialStart". Is that right ?


In addtion, I have come up with some new questions. 

1. In the data descripition, it says that each single-neuron.mat file contains an array of spike times.  Does it mean sampling times ?

2. What is  the meaning of the name of each single-neuron.mat file? For instance, "Sc1_2.mat", what is the specific meaning for the two number in the file name?

3. What is the unit of the varible "TrialStart"  and how does the value in "TrialStart" match that in "TS" ?

4. Could you explain the meaning of the variables in the "TrialEvents.mat", like "pure-trials" and "BaseStart" ?


I'm looking forward to your explanation. Thanks again anyway for your reply! 


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