vim-1: how to know space location of the voxels
I would like to use the EstimatedResponses.mat for analysis. Variable dataTrn is 1,750 x ~25,000 matrix, where 25,000 is the number of voxels. I would like to know the space location of these voxels. How to do it? For example, I use following code to read a nii file in Python:
import nibabel as nib img = nib.load('data/Sub1_Ses1_Run1_Trn.nii.gz') img_np=img.get_data() print img_np.shape
(64, 64, 18, 672)
In above array img_np(64,64,18), what are the index of 25,000 voxels in dataTrn? I need these space information in my current work.
Pardon the late reply. We had hoped that this would be obvious, but the indices for the EstimatedResponse voxels in the 64 x 64 x 18 scanned brain volume are stored in the voxIdx<S1|S2> variables. You can put the dataTrn<Subject> or dataVal<Subject> can be put back into 3D functional volume space by:
import h5py
import numpy as np
# Get data and index
hf = h5py.File('EstimatedResponses.mat')
trn = hf['dataTrnS1'].value
idx = int32(hf['voxIdxS1'].value).flatten()
# Pre-allocate brain
br = np.zeros(18*64*64)
# Estimated response for one image to 3D brain (and get rid of NaNs)
br[idx] = np.nan_to_num(trn[0])
# Reshape to brain volume
br3D = br.reshape((18,64,64)).T