hc-1 missing data?

I am working with the the hc-1 data set, and was wondering whether there is a discrepancy in the length or the files.
For instance, there is 1 data file for d15711. The spreadsheet IntraExtra says that this data set has a recording time of 60 (minutes?). When I view the data in ephyviewer, then the length of the file only comes to 750 seconds. I get the same length of time if I calculate it from the number of bytes in the file.
Is there missing data, or am I misreading the data description?
I verified that the discrepancy you described with that file. I asked the data contributor about it, and he didn't have the information about that file so was unable to help.
If you (or anyone) notice any other files that are a different length than specified in the spreadsheet, please add that information to this thread.
I am working specifically with all experiments that used 6-channel linear probes. These include data sets d15711 through d18911. I find discrepancies in the reported times for almost all of the files. It looks like each individual file has 750s of data, focused on synchronized (non-REM like) states during the anesthesia.
Thanks again, it would be nice to have confirmation on this.
About the: "It looks like each individual file has 750s of data, focused on synchronized (non-REM like) states during the anesthesia". I contacted the data contributor. He said that the duration of the files is dictated by the settings of the file size in datamax recording system. So they're all 750 sec. Also, these were urethane anesthetized rats, most likely it is in slow wave state, but one needs to check based on the spectrum.
About the discrepancies in reported times: You are right. I wrote a script which calculates the recording time from the files. The script is at: https://github.com/jeffteeters/crcns_hc1 . That webpage shows the output of the script, which should have the correct values and should be used in place of those values in the IntraExtra.xsl file.