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pvc-11 code error?

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pvc-11 code error?

Posted by Alireza Hashemi at December 25. 2016
So I have been playing around with the pvc-11 dataset and noticed something unusual when running one of the scripts (script_mean_firing_rates_gratings.m). It produces 3 mat files with struct S.
S(1:12) ought to correspond to the 12 different gratings the monkey was presented with, however, you may notice that:

sum(sum(S(n).trial(k0).counts - S(n).trial(k1).counts)) = 0

For all n, where k0=k1. Which means that the matrices are the same for a given trial, regardless of the input stimulus. 
If you change line 55 (of script_mean_firing_rates_gratings.m):
                    S(igrat).trial(itrial).spikes(ineuron, : ) = histc(data.EVENTS{ineuron, itrial}, edges);
...                     S(igrat).trial(itrial).spikes(ineuron, : ) = histc(data.EVENTS{ineuron, igrat, itrial}, edges);
Problem is resolved. Hope this (is accurate and) helps someone who wants to use the processed data. Great dataset either way. Merry Christmas!

Re: pvc-11 code error?

Posted by Benjamin Cowley at December 27. 2016

Thanks!  You are quite right---this was a bug on our part that repeated the first grating for all gratings.  Your suggested fix is the right way to go, and we will update the script file as soon as possible.

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