pvc-11 code error?
So I have been playing around with the pvc-11 dataset and noticed something unusual when running one of the scripts (script_mean_firing_rates_gratings.m). It produces 3 mat files with struct S.
S(1:12) ought to correspond to the 12 different gratings the monkey was presented with, however, you may notice that:
sum(sum(S(n).trial(k0).counts - S(n).trial(k1).counts)) = 0
For all n, where k0=k1. Which means that the matrices are the same for a given trial, regardless of the input stimulus.
If you change line 55 (of script_mean_firing_rates_gratings.m):
S(igrat).trial(itrial).spikes(ineuron, : ) = histc(data.EVENTS{ineuron, itrial}, edges);
... S(igrat).trial(itrial).spikes(ineuron, : ) = histc(data.EVENTS{ineuron, igrat, itrial}, edges);
Problem is resolved. Hope this (is accurate and) helps someone who wants to use the processed data. Great dataset either way. Merry Christmas!
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