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About ret-1

Description of dataset ret-1 (retina 1).

Summary of the data

This data set has single-unit neural responses recorded from isolated retina from lab mice (Mus Musculus) using a 61-electrode array in response to various visual stimuli.  Recordings were done by Yifeng Zhang in Markus Meister's lab at Harvard University in 2008.   For details, please see the following paper:

Lefebvre, J.L., Zhang, Y., Meister, M., Wang, X., and Sanes, J.R. (2008) Gamma-Protocadherins regulate neuronal survival but are dispensable for circuit formation in retina. Development 135:4141-4151.

Format of the data

For each recording session there is a file that has the spike times for all the units recorded in that session along with information needed to generate the stimulus.  Files are in MATLAB format. Details about the data files are given in document crcns_ret-1_data_description.pdf.  Total size (compressed) of the data is about 70 MB. 

Conditions for usage of this data in publications

If you publish any work using the data, please cite the publication above and also cite the data set in the following recommended format:

Yi-Feng Zhang, Hiroki Asari, and Markus Meister (2014); Multi-electrode recordings from retinal ganglion cells.

The above citation uses a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) which is assigned to the data set.  The DOI was created using DataCite ( and the California Digital Library, "EZID" system (

How to download the data

Data may be downloaded from:
A account is required. See the download link for more instructions.

Getting help using the data

If you have questions about using the data, please post them on the forum for using data sets.

Documentation file

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