Data sets that are significant because of the methods used.
- Simultaneous imaging and loose-seal cell-attached electrical recordings from neurons expressing a variety of genetically encoded calcium indicators. The data is described in: Akerboom, et al JNS 2012 and Chen, et al Nature 2013. The data provides ground truth by recording electrical and GCaMP optical responses simultaneously.
- jRGECO1a and jRCaMP1a characterization in the intact mouse visual cortex, using AAV-based gene transfer, 2-photon imaging and loose-seal cell attached recordings, as described in Dana et al 2016. Contributed by Boaz Mohar, Hod Dana, Douglas S. Kim, and Karel Svoboda, GENIE project, Janelia Research Campus, HHMI.
tes-1 (transcranial electrical stimulation 1)
- Recordings of electrical potentials in the in vivo human brain induced by transcranial electrical stimulation. Contributed by Y. Huang, A. Liu, B. Lafon, D. Friedman, M. Dayan, X. Wang, M. Bikson, W. K. Doyle, O. Devinsky and L. Parra.
- Simultaneous two-photon imaging and electrophysiological recordings from neurons in the mouse retina and primary visual cortex using OGB and GCamp6. Contributed by Berens, P., Theis, L., Froudarakis, E., Reimer, J., Rosón, M. R., Baden, T., Euler T., Tolias, A.S. & Bethge, M.
ieeg-1 (intracranial electroencephalography 1)
- High frequency oscillations detected in the intracranial EEG of epilepsy patients during interictal sleep, patients’ electrode location and outcome of epilepsy surgery. Contributed by Fedele T, Burnos S, Boran E, Krayenbühl N, Hilfiker P, Grunwald T and Sarnthein J.
spe-1 (simultaneous patch and extracellular 1)
- Simultaneous patch-clamp and dense CMOS probe extracellular recordings from the same cortical neuron in anaesthetized rats. Contributed by André Marques-Smith, Joana P. Neto, Gonçalo Lopes, Joana Nogueira, Lorenza Calcaterra, João Frazão, Danbee Kim, Matthew G. Phillips, George Dimitriadis and Adam R. Kampff
spe-2 (simultaneous patch and extracellular 2)
- Polytrode extracellular recordings with paired juxtacellular recordings. Contributed by: Joana P. Neto, Gonçalo Lopes, João Frazão, Joana Nogueira, Pedro Lacerda, Pedro Baião, Arno Aarts, Alexandru Andrei, Silke Musa, Elvira Fortunato, Pedro Barquinha, and Adam R. Kampff
evi-1 (extracellular variable impedance 1)
- Extracellular recordings using a dense electrode array allowing direct comparison of the same neural signal measured with low and high impedance electrodes. Contributed by Joana P Neto, Pedro Baião, Gonçalo Lopes, João Frazão, Joana Nogueira, Elvira Fortunato, Pedro Barquinha and Adam R Kampff.
hdr-1 (high-density recording 1)
- Extracellular recordings using an ultra-high density array from many brain areas of anesthetized rat. Contributed by Joana P Neto, George Dimitriadis, Gonçalo Lopes, Joana Nogueira, Adam R Kampff
eeg-1 (electroencephalography 1)
- 64-channel human scalp EEG from 24 subjects examining spontaneous thought using experience sampling. Contributed by Julia Kam.