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About evi-1

Information about evi-1 (extracellular variable impedance 1).


To help resolve whether the impedance of an electrode matters for recording neural activity with a modern polytrode, we collected a dataset in which neighboring electrodes within a dense array had a 10-fold difference in impedance (PEDOT-coated microelectrodes ~ 100 kΩ and uncoated microelectrodes ~ 1 MΩ). These recordings allow direct comparison of the same neural signal measured with a low and high impedance electrode. Extracellular recordings were obtained from the primary motor cortex (M1) and hippocampus CA1 of ketamine or urethane-anesthetized rats. Detailed information about the dataset is described in:

Neto, J. P., Baião, P., Lopes, G., Frazão, J., Nogueira, J., Fortunato, E., … Kampff, A. R. (2018). Does impedance matter when recording spikes with polytrodes? Frontiers in Neuroscience, 12, 715.

Moreover, we have a repository containing the code used in the above publication:

Format of the data.

The data is stored in binary format.  Details of the formats are in the given in the data description document, linked to at the bottom of this page. Total size of the data is about 9.5 GB

How to download the data.

The data must be downloaded from:

A account is required.  This link allows bulk downloading of multiple files using the download script as described in the "Alternative download method" section on the download page.

Getting help using the data.

You can get help with the data set by posting any questions on the forum for using data sets, or through direct email contact to [email protected] or [email protected].

How to cite the data

If you publish any work using the data, please cite the publications above (Neto et. al, 2018), as well as the dataset itself:

Joana P Neto, Pedro Baião, Gonçalo Lopes, João Frazão, Joana Nogueira, Elvira Fortunato, Pedro Barquinha, Adam R Kampff (2018); Extracellular recordings using a dense electrode array allowing direct comparison of the same neural signal measured with low and high impedance electrodes

The above citation uses a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) which is assigned to the data set.  The DOI was created using DataCite ( and the California Digital Library, "EZID" system (

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