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You are here: Home Data Sets Motor cortex alm-6 (anterior lateral motor cortex 6) About alm-6

About alm-6

Description of dataset alm-6 (anterior lateral motor cortex 6).

Summary of the data

These experiments measure neuronal responses from anterior lateral motor cortex (ALM) and deep cerebellar nucleus (CN) of adult mice performing pole location discrimination with a short-term memory. In some cases, we manipulate activity of one brain region while recording from the other region.  The data was used in the following publication:

Gao Z, Davis C, Thomas AM, Economo MN, Abrego AM, Svoboda K, De Zeeuw CI, Li N (2018). A cortico-cerebellar loop for motor planning. Nature, Nov;563(7729):113-116. doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0633-x. Epub 2018 Oct 17.

The data are related to the alm-4 data set which is available at:

How to download the data

The data can be downloaded from Zenodo in MATLAB and NWB Format.

MatLab format:

NWB Format:

Documentation files


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