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About alm-8

Description of dataset alm-8 (anterior lateral motor cortex 8).

Summary of the data

These experiments measure neuronal responses from the left hemisphere of premotor cortex (anterior lateral motor cortex, ALM) of adult mice performing pole location discrimination with a short-term memory. In a subset of the recordings, we inactivate activity of one of the brain regions providing inputs to ALM (ipsilateral S1/S2, contralateral ALM, and ipsilateral ThalALM) in some trials. 

This dataset contains data from 9626 single units, 73 mice, 347 sessions. The dataset is described as “the primary dataset” in the paper below. The experiments (including experiment methods) are described in the paper:

Yang W, Tipparaju SL, Chen G, Li N, (2022). Thalamus-driven functional populations in frontal cortex activity supports decision-making. Nat Neurosci, in press.

How to download the data

The data can be downloaded from Zenodo at:

The second dataset used in the paper can be downloaded also from Zenodo at

How to cite the data

If you publish any work using the data, please cite the Yang et. al., (2022) publication above and also cite the dataset using the following:

Li N (2022); Data and simulations related to: Thalamus-driven functional populations in frontal cortex activity supports decision-making. Yang et al (2022) Nat Neurosci.

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