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About cb-1

Description of dataset cb-1 (Cerebellum 1).

Summary of the data

The objective was to record cerebellar interpositus nucleus neurons in awake behaving mice during or after training in a delay eyeblink conditioning paradigm. The experiments yielded 372 recordings of interpositus neurons, each of which comprising of traces of eyelid behavior and spike activity during paired trials, i.e. presentations of an LED Light stimulus (the conditioned stimulus, CS) and a subsequent periocular air puff stimulus (the unconditioned stimulus, US). While unconditioned blink responses upon the US (called URs) were always prevalent, well-timed conditioned eyelid closures in response to the CS (called CRs) developed over the course of training. These learned CRs have been shown by previous work to find their neuronal correlate in the cerebellum, and the current data have served to determine in detail how neurons in the cerebellar interposed nuclei respond to the conditioning stimuli, and how their spike modulation correlates to CR behavior.  The data was used to produce the following publication:

 These data are the basis for the following paper, which contains a detailed description of the methods and results: 

Dynamic Modulation of Activity in Cerebellar Nuclei Neurons during Pavlovian Eyeblink Conditioning in Mice. Michiel M. ten Brinke, Shane A. Heiney, Xiaolu Wang, Martina Proietti-Onori, Henk-Jan Boele, Jacob Bakermans, Javier F. Medina, Zhenyu Gao, & Christiaan I. De Zeeuw. Accepted in eLife, online publication due in 2017.

Format of the data

The data are provided in a single MATLAB file. Size is about 294 MB. Details of the data format are given in the document linked to from the bottom of this page.

Conditions for using the data

In all cases, if the data here contributed make part of any published work, the paper mentioned above (Ten Brinke et al., 2017) should be cited (in its published form). Moreover, please consult the first ([email protected]) and last two ([email protected], [email protected]) authors before publishing findings relating to our dataset, to inform us, to reach a reasonable consensus about the appropriate use of the data, and to make an explicit agreement on the appropriate credit to the authors' work.

Also, any publication made from the data should cite the dataset using the following:

Michiel M. ten Brinke, Shane A. Heiney, Xiaolu Wang, Martina Proietti-Onori, Henk-Jan Boele, Jacob Bakermans, Javier F. Medina, Zhenyu Gao, & Christiaan I. De Zeeuw (2017). Eyelid behavior and spike activity of cerebellar interpositus nucleus neurons during eyeblink conditioning in awake behaving mice.

The above citation uses a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) which is assigned to the data set.  The DOI was created using DataCite ( and the California Digital Library, "EZID" system (

How to download the data

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Getting help using the data

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