Downloading DREAM
How to download the data, models and tools after logging in
Step 1: Log in at:
A account is not required.
Step 2: After you've logged in, you'll see four folders (data_sets, documentation, models, tools) and two files (filelist.txt, checksums.md5). To download, simply navigate into the desired folder (by clicking on it) and click on the appropriate files. Then follow the onscreen instructions to download. Here's what those folders on the left contain:
Documentation: A user manual for DREAM.
Tools: The tools are all zipped together in one download. Once you're logged in on CRCNS, navigate into the Tools folder (navigation panel on the left) and download either one of the archived DreamTools directory. (They should be identical.)
Once you've downloaded the archive, extract and you will see a LoadDreamPaths.m file along with a directory called Tools. The Tools will reside in the Tools directory – running the LoadDreamPaths script from MATLAB will make the tools available to you. The organization of this Tools folder (Tools\DreamUtil and Tools\DreamArg) should not be altered.
Data Sets: The experiments are .mat files that can be imported into MATLAB with the load command. The are organized by publication.
Once logged in on CRCNS, navigate into the Data Sets folder (navigation panel on the left). In there, you will see a folder for each publication. If you navigate into one of these folders, you will see a pdf of the paper and the .mat files associate with the experiments. Take whichever ones interest you. They are all formatted according to the DREAM structure outlined in the user manual.
Models: The models are .m files that are written such that they can be called with the RunModel DREAM Tool.
Once logged in on CRCNS, navigate into the Models folder (navigation panel on the left). Currently, we only have an example trivial model, so navigate into that folder and download the mfile from there.