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About hc-12

Information about the hc-12 data set.



The dataset is made of 189 cells recorded in the hippocampus from two Rhesus macaques. Recordings were made extracellularly with either single tungsten electrodes or 16 contact u-probes. Activity was recorded as animals were navigating via a joystick a virtual maze projected in stereo, searching for a reward.  A file contains the timestamps of the action potentials, the X,Y position and camera orientation in virtual coordinates, the left and right eye X,Y coordinates, state space coordinates and task relevant event codes. Each file corresponds to a recording session of approximatively 40 minutes. 

We provide a few Matlab scripts and documentation that allow plotting heat maps according to position, camera orientation, state space as well as raster histograms and behavior. 

e.g. Results from the experiments are described in:

Gaze-informed, task-situated representation of space in primate hippocampus during virtual navigation, Sylvia Wirth, Pierre Baraduc, Aurélie Planté, Serge Pinède, Jean-René Duhamel (2017). PLoS Biology

Format of the data.

The data are in Matlab format. A Matlab script is provided which plots the data in any of the files. Details of the data format and script are provided in documents listed at the bottom of this page.  Total size of the data is about 3.6 GB.

How to download the data

The data may be downloaded from:
A account is required. See the download link for more instructions.

Conditions for using the data

These data required years of effort to collect, and it is the CNRS lab policy that anything published using these data lists as authors the persons who collected the data and the group leader under whose responsibility the data has been collected. Please see the data description document (below) for details. In addition, if you publish any work using the data, please cite the publication given above (Wirth et al., 2017) and also cite the data set using the following:

Sylvia Wirth, Pierre Baraduc, Aurélie Planté, Serge Pinède, Jean-René Duhamel (2017); Extracellular recordings from monkey hippocampus performing a virtual navigation task.

The above citation uses a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) which is assigned to the data set.  The DOI was created using DataCite ( and the California Digital Library, "EZID" system (

Getting help using the data.

If you have questions about using the data, post them on the forum for using data sets.

Documentation files


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