About hc-19
This data set was used in Ciliberti et al. (2018) to demonstrate and characterize the real-time detection of hippocampal memory replay events. The data set contains three daily sessions with tetrode recordings from hippocampal area CA1 in a single rat. In each session, the rat twice explored a 3-arm maze (RUN1 and RUN2), both before and after a short rest period (REST). Included in the data set are the raw data, the results of live detection of hippocampal replay events, and the results of offline analysis.
No spike sorting was performed on the data, as we used a no-sort neural decoding approach (Kloosterman et al. 2014) for decoding the rat’s location on the maze and for analyzing hippocampal replay events. All analyses were performed in Python and code is available at: https://bitbucket.org/kloostermannerflab/ciliberti_elife2018_realtimereplay/. The software for real-time replay identification is part of the Falcon real-time neural processing framework (Ciliberti & Kloosterman, 2017) and can be found here: https://bitbucket.org/kloostermannerflab/falcon-server.
Referenced papers are:
Format of the data
Data is stored in Neuralynx native format, hdf5, numpy and yaml format. The data and tools for importing the data into Matlab and Python are described in the document linked to from the bottom of this page. Total size of the data is 53GB.
Conditions for using the data
The authors welcome collaborations based on this data set. Consultation with the authors (email: [email protected]) prior to using the data or publishing work based on the data is appreciated. If you publish any work using the data, please cite our publication (Ciliberti et al. 2018) and also cite the data set using the following:
Davide Ciliberti, Frédéric Michon, Fabian Kloosterman (2018); Extracellular recordings from rat hippocampal area CA1 during rest and exploration of a 3-arm maze along with results of real-time and offline detection of hippocampal replay content. CRCNS.org.
The above citation uses a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) which is assigned to the data set. The DOI was created using DataCite (www.datacite.org) and the California Digital Library, "EZID" system (n2t.net/ezid/).
How to download the data
The data may be downloaded from:
Using a CRCNS.org account. See the download link for more information about downloading.
Getting help using the data.
If you have questions about using the data, post them on the forum for using data sets. Alternatively, contact the contributors directly (email: [email protected]).