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About hc-20

Information about the hc-20 data set.


The data are extracellular single unit action potential, spike trains recorded from the medial entorhinal cortex region of freely-behaving rats. The recordings were made using tetrodes and the Axona dacqUSB recording system, while the rats performed place avoidance tasks in two conditions. One with the arena stable the other with the arena rotating continuously.  Results from these data are reported in:

Park, E.H., Keeley, S., Savin, C., Ranck Jr., J.B., Fenton, A.A. (2018) How the internally-organized direction sense is used to navigate, Neuron, XX:XX-XX

Spike sorting was performed manually and single unit isolation quality was quantified using the IsoIBG and IsoINN measures as described in:

Neymotin SA, Lytton WW, Olypher AV, Fenton AA (2011) Measuring the Quality of Neuronal Identification in Ensemble Recordings. J Neurosci 31:16398-16409.

Format of the data

The data are stored in a custom binary format. Details are given in the data description document listed at the bottom of this page.  Total data size is about 146 MB.

Conditions for using the data

If you publish any work using the data, please cite Park et al., 2018 and also cite the data set using the following:

Eun Hye Park, André A. Fenton (2018); Extracellular single unit action potential spike trains recorded from the medial entorhinal cortex of freely-behaving rats performing place avoidance tasks in both a stable and continuously rotating arena.

The above citation uses a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) which is assigned to the data set.  The DOI was created using DataCite ( and the California Digital Library, "EZID" system (

How to download the data

The data may be downloaded from:
Using a account.  See the download link for more information about downloading.

Getting help using the data.

If you have questions about using the data, post them on the forum for using data sets.

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