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About pvc-10

Information about the data including cells, stimuli, format of the data and how to download the data.

Summary of the data

This dataset is composed of measurements of binocular disparity selectivity in mouse V1 neurons using two-photon calcium imaging. The experiments and results are described in:

Local integration accounts for weak selectivity of mouse neocortical parvalbumin interneurons. Ben Scholl, Jagruti J. Pattadkal, Geoff A. Dilly, Nicholas J. Priebe* and Boris V. Zemelman*, Neuron 87, 424-436 (July 15 2015)
* co-senior authors 

Format of the data

Data is in MatLab format. Total size is about 240GB (compressed). Details about the format are in: crcns_pvc-10_data_description.pdf

How to download the data

Data may be downloaded from:
A account is required. See the download link for more instructions.

Getting help using the data

If you have questions about using the data, please post them on the forum for using data sets.

How to cite the data

See the conditions for use section in the data description document for complete instructions. Before the submission of any manuscripts on the basis of this dataset, the authors should be consulted. In addition to citing the Scholl et. al., paper listed above, publications created through usage of the data should cite the data set in the following recommended format:

Scholl, Pattadkal, Dilly, Priebe and Zemelman (2016); Disparity selectivity in mouse V1 measured using two-photon calcium imaging.

The above citation uses a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) which is assigned to the data set.  The DOI was created using DataCite ( and the California Digital Library, "EZID" system (

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