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About pvc-12

Information about the data including cells, stimuli, format of the data and how to download the data.

Summary of the data

We recorded single-neuron responses from area V1 of two adult rhesus monkeys (Macaca Mulatta, one male and one female), during the presentation of brightness illusions based on Vasarely’s ‘nested squares.’ Each monkey was implanted with a head stabilization post, a scleral eye coil to monitor eye movements (sutured to the sclera to avoid slippage), and a recording chamber mounted over the occipital operculum to gain access to area V1.

We recorded eye movements using the search coil technique (C-N-C Engineering and Remmel Labs), at 1 kHz. Excursions of gaze outside of an invisible 2x2 DVA (32 × 32 DU) fixation window were recorded but not rewarded.  We acquired extracellular single-unit potentials with lacquer-coated electropolished tungsten electrodes at 1 kHz. A time-amplitude-window discriminator (BAK Electronics, Inc.) was used to isolate the spikes on-line and only spike times were recorded. The enclosed dataset includes a total of 53 neurons.  A publication based on the experiments is:

Martinez-Conde S, McCamy MB, Troncoso XG, Otero-Millan J, and Macknik SL, “Area V1 Responses to Illusory Corner-Folds in Vasarely’s Nested Squares and the Alternating Brightness Star Illusions,” submitted),

Format of the data

Data is in MatLab format. Total size is about 175 MB (compressed). Details about the format are in the document linked to at the bottom of this page.

How to download the data

Data may be downloaded from:
A account is required. See the download link for more instructions.

Getting help using the data

If you have questions about using the data, please post them on the forum for using data sets.

How to cite the data

If you publish any work using the data, please cite the publication above (Martinez-Conde et al, 2018) and the data set using the following:

Susana Martinez-Conde, Jorge Otero-Millan, Xoana G. Troncoso, Michael B. McCamy, Stephen L. Macknik (2018); Single-neuron extracellular recordings from area V1 of awake behaving rhesus monkeys viewing brightness illusions based on Victor Vasarely’s artworks.

The above citation uses a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) which is assigned to the data set.  The DOI was created using DataCite ( and the California Digital Library, "EZID" system (

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