About pvc-8
Summary of the data
This data consist of multi-electrode recordings from V1 in anesthetized macaque monkeys, while natural images and gratings were flashed on the screen. Recordings were performed using the “Utah” electrode array. Natural images were presented at two sizes, 3-6.7 degrees and windowed to 1 degree, to quantify surround modulation. Experimental procedures and stimuli are fully described in the associated paper:
Ruben Coen-Cagli, Adam Kohn, Odelia Schwartz; "Flexible Gating of Contextual Influences in Natural Vision." Nature Neuroscience, 2015.
also, at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26436902
Format of the data
Data from ten recording sessions is provided. They are stored in mat files, with names ranging from 01.mat to 10.mat. The data was recorded from three animals. Data includes both the neural recordings and the image stimuli. Total data size is about 300MB. The format of the data are described in the data description document listed at the end of this page.
How to download the data
Data may be downloaded from:
A CRCNS.org account is required. See the download link for more instructions.
Getting help using the data
If you have questions about using the data, please post them on the forum for using data sets.
How to cite the data
See the conditions for use section in the data description document for complete instructions. In addition to citing the paper listed above, publications created through usage of the data should cite the data set in the following recommended format:
Adam Kohn, Ruben Coen-Cagli (2015). Multi-electrode recordings of anesthetized macaque V1 responses to static natural images and gratings. CRCNS.org.
The above citation uses a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) which is assigned to the data set. The DOI was created using DataCite (www.datacite.org) and the California Digital Library, "EZID" system (http://ezid.cdlib.org/).